QuickCam Fusion on Windows 7

Using the logitech website’s driver does not work with Windows 7 on a 64bit machine. In order to get it working: 1) Download software from microsoft: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/ScopedViewRedirect.aspx?updateid=22695bd0-625c-455f-a96c-564ab2033a78 2) Open folder and unzip the file within 3) Plug in camera 4) Go to device manager and select the “other device” with the question mark 5) Select…

Snowboarding season 2011/12 here I come!!!

Yes, I’m weird that way. Or you can say I’m obsessed. (I blame it on @burtonsnowboard twitter feed ^^.) Whenever school is back in session, my internal snowboarder clock starts the count down, signifying the end of summer and the start of winter (I just noticed that autumn is non existent in my calender…..) Just…